KSCE VIDA TV 38 tiešraide

TV kanāls:KSCE VIDA TV 38

Valsts: Savienotās Valstis

Kategorija: Vietējais

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KSCE VIDA TV 38 skatīties straumēšanas tiešraidi

For the last 26 years, KSCE-TV Channel 38 has been airing and producing family-friendly programs in the El Paso area, broadcasting interdenominational, trilingual (English, Spanish and Arabic) 24-hour Christian programing. KSCE-TV broadcasts daily on four channels and is carried on all local and regional cable and satellite systems at any given time in a 100-mile radius spanning two countries and three states. KSCE is El Paso’s only independent, noncommercial, locally owned and operated educational, public television station, serving as a community Christian station. All funding is provided by program underwriting and donations from businesses, organizations and individuals.
